Anyone permanently convert from tubes to SS?

I often hear about those that "discover" tubes and never look back, but has anyone here gone from being a "tube guy" to finding a SS amp that satisfied you equally or more? I don't intend on starting another tube vs. SS debate, I'd just like to see how many have left tubes behind. If you are a convert, which SS amp convinced you to leave tubes?
I have had many tube amps, Bat VK-75SE, Art Audio Jota and PX-25, Cary V-12R, Music Reference RM200 and I tried a Cary SLI 80 F1 integrated cause I wanted to try headphones. I now have a Hovland Radia that I am really enjoying. It is driving a pair of Verity Audio Fidelios along with a Audio Aero Capitole MK2se which has a tubed pre amp section. I am not looking back.

It all depends on the application, synergy and preferances.
The goal is your satisfaction, not the trends to follow.
IMHO - tube amps are more flexiable and easier to build. Good sounding SS amp is extremly difficult to design and work properly.
Those that succided are usually very expensive.
I find tube amps easier to fine-tune by mods and tube rolling.
But that is just me. YMMV.
Owned some nice SS amps in the past but it had more to do with matching my ML speakers then anything else. Macs were probably my favorite SS for the money.

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