Anyone permanently convert from tubes to SS?

I often hear about those that "discover" tubes and never look back, but has anyone here gone from being a "tube guy" to finding a SS amp that satisfied you equally or more? I don't intend on starting another tube vs. SS debate, I'd just like to see how many have left tubes behind. If you are a convert, which SS amp convinced you to leave tubes?
I started with solid-state amplification in the 70's then went heavily into tubes in the 80's. In the late 90's I went back to solid-state, then, about a year ago, I drifted back to a "tubes-in-moderation" philosophy.

So now I use a custom 6SN7 single-tube preamp driving the NuForce Ref 9V2 SE digital monoblocks. This is the best amplification package (without a stratospheric price) that I have experienced.

I am also very fond of my recently acquired PrimaLuna Dialogue Two integrated amp that I have driving a pair of Silverline Prelude speakers in another system. That combo makes its own sweet musical magic.

Sometime in the 2010 decade I might try going all solid-state again.
I've owned a VTL 50/50 which sounded nice but had several failures and an Anthem Amp 1 which was a very nice amp, however my McCormack DNA 125 is the best sounding amp I've had to date. I love this amp and have no intentions of going back to tubes.
"Permanently" is a very large word. . . but I have migrated happily from an ARC Ref 3 to a SS Rowland Capri line stage and am absolutely delighted by the musical result. G.
I too agree that McIntosh (7270) to Klipsch (Quartets) or any Klipsch speakers is a good marriage, but after geting a Cary SLP98P tube preamp and a Cary V12R tube amp, the tubes simply blow away SS. I got rid of tone controls, graphic eq, parametric eq, spatial enhancer, dbx range expander, bbe sonic maximizer, and still have a better sound without them and I was a real tweaker to the max. The only thing I missed was SH so I bought a Carver C-9 sonic hologram generator and I am totally happy again. Enjoy the holidays!
I did tubes throughout most of the 80's but got really tired of messing with them and went with a passive pre and a Levinson ML-9 in 1989, and didn't go back to tubes until, I think, 1999. That's not "permanent," but in this hobby, 10-11 years is pretty close to "permanent."