Confused by ICE applications

I've started to get interested in the switch-mode power supplies, but I'm confused by how the various amplifier makers use them. My current investigation is into the B&O ICE modules and Jeff Rowland amps.

From what I can see on the ICE web page, they only sell complete amplifier modules. If that's so, what does JRDG (or Bel Canto) do with them? I'd thought that ICE would supply the power supply and the output stage was then up to the end user...
Join the confused club.
PSAudio makes use of the 3 different ICE modules in the GCC series of 'integrateds'. 100/200 250/500 and 500/1000.

What difference would it make if the ICE manufacturer didn't warranty a modfied module, if the Modifier DID?

Specs are *nearly* meaningless and I treat them as 'advisory' only...a pointer if you will.
And yes, DF is also near-meaningless. speaker load as in 'easy' or 'hard' is only part of it. Phase angle, and impedence are also factored in. Add in efficiency/sensitivity and there 'ya go.
Do my panels make much use of hi damping? I don't know and don't care....they sound fine with good, tight bass to the panels limit. While not overpowering, they wouldn't be so regardless of amp used...and I have the GCC250 which is 500 into the Maggies 4 ohms.
There are bunches of applications of the ICE modules and other class 'd' stuff out there.
cold power, International Recitifier, and others. I am currently trying to get my hands on the IR demo board to see what they came up with in the 60/side end of things.
Magfan - IR published paper (google it) on class D with complete design (schematics, PCB etc). Your Maggies are power hungry and Icepower might be a good choice.
I agree. ICE power would and IS a good choice for my Maggies. I use the PSAudio GCC250 to good effect.
I think, however, you've got it a little backwards.
You can buy the ICE modules or the ColdPower or any of 'em and than be responsible for the Power Supply yourself.
The IR unit, for example, needs up to about +-35v, so 5x6v GelCells would work fine.
Oh! I work for IR and have spoken with the designers::
Magfan - why not to buy Icepower modules with power supply built in like 200ASC? Switching power supply, when done right, can be better than linear one (also smaller and cheaper)
My understanding is just the OPPOSITE.
Manufacturer of the module makes the output/driver section and the USER supplies the it SMPS or a nice big Toroid and a large selection of caps.
I will investigate if the ICE modules have an integrated PS. I know Cold Power and IR stuff DOESN'T.
It seems that if you bought a BUNCH of modules and were willing to warranty them, you could pretty much do as you please....change stuff for 'better' sound or even proprietary reasons...My GCC uses GainCell technology on the input side, for example and has some unique (selling point) claims.
If all ICE module users were using modules from the same menu, they'd all sound VERY similar.