Holographic imaging

Hi folks, is the so called holographic imaging with many tube amplifiers an artifact? With solid state one only hears "holographic imaging" if that is in the recording, but with many tube amps you can hear it all the time. So solid state fails in this department? Or are those tube amps not telling the truth?

Gobbledygook abounds here. Both from the scientific and "academic" communities.

Consider the sources folks.

Remember those who can, do. And those who can't, teach.

Do a posting history on the "academic" source and you'll understand. It is replete with flavor of the month products that have gone by the wayside long ago. Please read it; his track record speaks for itself.

RIP hcat.
Apart from Audiofool's usual nonsense, the key issue here is explanations for why some components sound better than others. Electrical engineering has some concepts that can be used in such explanations based on age old science. In science our understanding advances from observation and experiments centered often on assessing hypotheses. In engineering you apply the relationships that have been supported by science.

All of this is of little import for making decisions on buying equipment. If someone finds the equipment of a designer to sound good, let her buy it. For the engineer designing an amp, there are many considerations to weigh. The very best parts in a classic circuit may sound wonderful but be unaffordable. The designer optimizes the known parameters as he sees fit. This is not science; it is the use of science.

Since designers here have attacked Roger Paul, using what Detlof calls "currently terminology" saying that they don't find his attempt to explain how his circuit works. One would think that they could defend why theirs does, but they have not.

All of this is irrelevant, if your focus is on the observation that this amp and linestage sound extraordinary. Something must explain this. I merely suggested that people hear it. If they don't like it I would be shocked, but that is their business, not mine.

I don't care two figs whether they can accept what Roger says because I know full well that their understanding of what makes for a good sounding circuit is limited by our understanding of nature's principles. With time we will further understand these principles, but regardless, Roger has found a circuit that works.

I have, of course, said this several times, and so I need not say them any more.
>>I have, of course, said this several times, and so I need not say them any more<<

Oh go ahead.

A fool never learns.
Maybe I gave you too much credit in saying that you had implemented a Multi-Tap Processor circuit in your products.

Your theories, analogies and explanations have left me wondering what your academic credentials are.

I believe that Norm possesses a minor in Physics and how a person like that, trained in logical and scientific thinking can swallow your convoluted and non-factual theories and descriptions is beyond me.

It also leads me to wonder what you actually pot in those encapsulated modules?????????

Has a CAT preamp with the latest "Doppler Detectors" and "Velocity Correction" circuits been submitted to Stereophile for review? I really would like to see John Atkinson's measurements on this unit.

I'm curious to see if the "WTC" control actually does anything or like some claim "it does nothing at all". BUT I will not be dropping any of my money on your products after the ABSURD stands you have taken and the way you have presented your theory, logic and their lack of scientific basis in the exchanges here.

I almost feel bad for your customers who have dropped their money on your product only to read the quality, validity and lack of foundation of your responses here. Most of us want to substatiate the quality of our components on more solid grounds than just faith alone. A designer should be able to address his design and design choices or say nothing at all if he wishes. It is one thing to be vague but what you have done on this thread is something else!

If I were you, I would stop now, as with each of the exchanges here you lose more and more credibility!
Tbg.A long time ago I told a friend not to argue with someone who wont listen.Today I will heed my own advice.
I must say that you continually change or do not understand the words of others.This may be the result of to much Doppler.