Who uses what Class 'd' modules?

I can think of 3 or 4 Class 'd' module makers.
I am just curious as to who makes amps with them?
Is the new Onkyo integrated proprietary or B&O or ???
What about Rotel?
I can think of several makers.
B&O / IR (new player) / Cold Amp / Hypex UcD

I know PSAudio and Bel Canto use B&O but am curious about who uses what else?
Sorry for that - my memory is getting worse. Linns amp is Klimax and I thing it's properiatory class D - isn't it?
I think I got this wrong - Linn uses switching mode power supplies but not the output stage. They claimed in 2006 that Class D won't be mature enough for next 10 years.
That was some impressive list from an aledgedly failing memory Kijanki!

Here is one more. . . I believe the new Mark Levinson No. 52 monoblocks are driven by proprietary switching class D modules.