Dartzeel or Mark Levinson 33H

Dartzeel or Mark Levinson 33H? I am thinking of switching out my amps. Which of these do you think would offer better sound and synergy to my rigs. Other amps recommendation is also appreciated as well.

Wilson Benesch Chimera speakers, Virtual Dynamics Genesis cabling, Audio Aero Capitol, Chord dsp 8000 pre/pro, Chord SPM 6000 monoblocks. Thanks guys.
I brought the dartzeel amp to my customer to do a direct comparison with his 33H. His system at the time was the Levinson 33H, 32, EMM CDSA, Sonus Stradivari. The Dartzeel was superior in every way (far more natural, better focus, depth layering, sense of 3D space, more natual bass, far more transparent, etc.).
My customer moved to the dartzeel amp and pre-amp very soon after.
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Dartzeel dealer
The Levinson 33H is probably getting on now. I would try the Dartzeel, but be aware of its slight lack of power.

The Dartzeel on the times I have heard it, have had very nice timbre detail compared to the darker ML sound.
i would recommend Dart.. 33H sound is not as refine as Dart. but if power is your priority check out the new Levinson mono block