Amp vs preamp question

Which one is more important in the 2 chanel music system?
Should I spend more for pre am or amp

Thank you for helping
I have to (mostly) agree with Tvad, here. The 10 to 1 ratio is only a guideline and there are many respected voices that disagree. Though a bit off topic, other considerations re: pre to power amp matching include output and input sensitivity, the potential for DC leakage and how it is tolerated, and single ended vs. balanced operation. And let's not forget sonic synergy.
If one reads through the archives here on Audiogon, one will find that some are satified will fairly low powered amps on their Thiels, but more often than not, those who have tried various quality amplifiers, find that the higher powered ones work best. While the majority of music played doesn't usually require gobs of power, the balance can suck up huge amounts very rapidly. With the Thiel's, I think the cost of appropriate high quality ss amplification can be a bit dear and the cost of high powered tube amplification can quickly come cost prohibitive. SS amps seem to offer a better value with Thiels(!). IMHO, ss amps sound best when they are not run into their limits... with ss amps, having some headroom is advisable.
BTW, I certainly hope that Ledenhheim doesn't have an "18 X 18" room!
.... it never ceases to amaze me how much minutia compells some folks.

naturally there is more to preamp matching to amplifiers than simple impedance figures.... and just 'whose' figures should we use? Those claimed by the makers, or those claimed by the second party testers?

But I still hold to the "plug one in" notion. Despite Tvads notes, he admits he did just that in practice... as he's 'plugged in' several lately by my count alone. Tubed and Solid state as well.

The numbers alone, don’t tell the whole story sometimes.

Damping too, along with power reservoirs/storage account for something too. But as so much inference was being placed on impedance matching I felt compelled to throw that CJ bit in . IMO it might ought to be 100:1…. But my exp says there are exceptions to this rule.

BTW consistency doesn't seem a commonality in Silverline products from time to time... apparently either.

it's all just time well wasted, casting about this rhetorical note and system building philosophy back and forth here... the proofs in the pudding... if it were otherwise... we'd all go out and get the exact right amp the very first time as we or some of us do ijn fact 'know' by the numbers only which amp will work best.


You ask 50 audiophiles a question, you’re very likely to get 55 answers!

it's not a numbers game folks. you have to try some out for yourself. that's what most folks here did and do... so I'll just hang onto the more practical approach of just bust a move and throw something in there!


Some amps will surely surprise you, and some will (as Tvad pointed out via his own exp) be disappointing... despite their reps and numbers.

Ask the maker of the ??? item for some direction. That's a gooder place to start IMHO.

Look at what others with similar speakers are using in the virtual systems listings.

I’ve found scant little if any, perfection in this world and attempting to acquire it is a waste of time and energy…. Most quality amps will be capable of providing a good power source and no one here can say for you, just what that should be… but you… well and your wallet.

I’m sure, given the expense of the CS3.7s, you’ll acquire a commensurate amp…. But going back to the initial Q… I’ll always put more money into a preamp than into an amp… as a rule ‘cause you can’t make up for what you lost early on, downstream. You can only cover it up.
The impedance numbers help narrow down the possibilities, so one isn't just throwing something into a system to hear how it works. Personally, I believe the test measurements are considerably more valuable than manufacturer's impedance numbers because the test measurements tell the whole story. I didn't pay much attention to them until the past year, but I've learned to appreciate their value.

If you consider this minutia, then so be it.

After trying four different amps on the Silverline speakers, I ended up buying (and keeping) the amps that were initially recommended to me by the owner of Silverline. They are a perfect match. Go figure. It was during this period of trying amps that I finally appreciated the importance of doubling power output as speaker impedance is halved. The amps that did this all sounded best (better tonal balance which eliminated the "tipped-up" sound created by amps that did not double power output).

It doesn't mean one has to spend lots of money on an amp. One of the best amp/speaker matches I found was with amps that sell used for less than $4k/pair (the brand was one of Silverline's suggestions).

Amp/speaker match is everything, IMO. That's my tune and I'm stickin' to it.

"Amp/speaker match is everything, IMO. That's my tune and I'm stickin' to it."

Now theres a real stretch.

So from this point going forward, you know exactly which amp, preamp, and loudspeakers to get simply from the numbers, huh?

Good for you.

Personally I feel there's more to it than simple claimed figures. They serve only as some sort of guideline and not the end all be all. That would make things far too simple.

...and simple is not the way of the audiophile! We're complicated folk.

Grant, I ain't taking you or any other party here to task... the deal however is always the same thing though. Eventually. Even with all the 'numbers' being in place in all areas, one still has other considerations. Style. Size. Price. One lump or two? and then there's that oh, yeah, sound aspect.

You and I both know now, that makers' specs are sometimes as subjective as are our own preffs. Now and then their figures get tweaked to be more attractive, or are figured out in differening ways.

True enough, by and large, their usually close to actual, though.

the numbers which matter most to me apart fomr the necessary ones, are size, weight, and price, and not always in that order.

Go by the numbers or go by your ears... I will always prefer the latter.

My name is blindjim.... and I approve this message.
Without the "numbers" the quest might be endless and terribly expensive. The numbers don't neccssarily provide the ultimate answer, but they can sure get you there quicker. I'm in complete agreement with Tvad here.