I have a Sony receiver STR-DG1000 and the Sony amplifier TA-N9000ES. I read here:

that the amplifier will provide great sound either at 5-channels or 2 BTL.
After I made the connections following the manual instructions the sound level and sound quality are exactly the same as before without the TA-N9000ES. I switched to BTL mode and I've got the same quality. I am using B&W Series 600 speakers.
Am I doing something wrong? Is the amplifier made like that? My receiver doesn't need that amplifier? Is the amplifier broken even when I get sound from the 5 channels? Any advise, opinion will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Possibly but (1) you will have to figure out some way to balance the two amps and (2) there's little gain (!) in doing so.

I would expect the sound quality to be similar as they are both Sony pieces. Utilizing an outboard amplifier with a receiver essentially turns the receiver into a processor. Unless there is a massive amount of power difference between the 2 units there will be little difference in volume if I am understanding you correctly. Be cautious when looking to bi-amp any of the speakers. Check the power rating on the B&W's.
I own the TA-E9000ES and TA-N9000ES. I don't think you need to run biamp configuration as your TA-N9000ES would provide sufficient power to 5 channels in your 600 series B&W speakers. I believe your Sony receiver has outputs to hook up your TA-N9000ES.
I've been listening carefully on the last days same recordings on different formats Lp, CD, SACD, cassette, MD. The Nutcracker, Pink Floyd, Miles Davis.
Yes! there is a difference after the N9000ES was connected to the DG1000. While using the Automatic Format Control the sound was the same (weak). But when I switched to Analog Direct I noticed more volume, depth and great separation n any angle. The SACD played at 5.1 improved but definetly the 2-channel analog direct is better now. The standard volume level for my apartment was -15bd but now I have to keep it under -25db and I can still hear some bass.
I also noticed before that playing films from Columbia Pictures or Sony Pictures using the Cinema Studio mode the sensation is like if I have several speakers all around than when I use Dolby Digital alone.
Thank you all for your opinions.