Power amp Suggestions for Dunlavy SC-IV

I'm picking up a used pair of SC-IV for a mastering room in my home. Admittedly I'm from a Pro Audio and Recording studio background and am largely unaware of many of the obscure and esoteric audiophile brands and topologies. I was planning on powering them with a Bryston 4B initially, but started looking at used amps and was overwhelmed by the selection. Using the 4b as a point of reference what other amps would people recommend <$2k used.

Some that I have considered are the Krell KSA 250, Older Levinson ML3.
I even have an old set of Marantz Model 5 monoblocks in the storage room, though I suspect they are way too under powered for the Dulavy's.

Thanks and forgive my ignorance.

Absolutely no need for subwoofer(s) unless you like bass. The SCIVs go down to about 70hz then begin to roll off. Low powered tube amps would be a great match. But YOU WILL NEED A SUB.
I had a pair of sc3's and ran them successfully with cary slam 100's (90 watts trode) with excellant results.
I used Dulavys for 10 years with a Krell FPB 600 starting with the IVs and ending up with the Vs. They worked well with the Krell and a BAT VK51se though occasionally this combination got a little bright. My wife could no longer tolerate the size and appearance of the Vs and I have such switched to the Vandersteen 5A which also uses a first order crossover and I love them as well. I do miss the Dunlavys though. Great speakers, great price, great company, and a one of a kind designer who will be sorely missed.
Mr. T
I'm using a pair of SCIII as my main speakers, LOVE 'em! I used to power them with a 60W Pass Aelph but have since switched to a Levinson. I think the Dunlavy's although efficient, need reserve power. They sould much better with the 300W Levinsons. I think the 4B would be a great choice!