SS or Tube Preamps with Dual-Balanced outputs

I vertically bi-amp; I am looking for recommendations on fully balanced pre-amps that offer the ability to have 2 simultaneous balanced outputs. I am look for a full balanced circuit (some call this quad-balanced I believe).

Currently, I've been using a Classe CP-700 with excellent results for over a year and half. I like the Classe's build quality, separate power supply, air, clarity, imaging, musicality, etc...very much.

What other SS or Tube pre-amps offer dual-balanced outputs
with great imaging and other desirable sonic attributes?

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My only extensive experience is with simaudio's p-5 preamp, which is fully balanced. Unfortunately though it only has one balanced input, but it is an excellent preamp no doubt. No listener fatigue, except maybe when played too loud but that could be said with most other preamps or components. I whole heartily recommend it, just consider matching of components is critical at this level of performance. Now I am using the atma-sphere m60 amps, before i was using sim's w-5 power amp, and I could see using a tube preamp would serve me well with the m60's.
Pedrillo: Thanks for the info. The P-5 is a discontinued model, correct? I've also heard the P-5LE and Celeste 5002 were great designs. Did you ever get a chance to listen to those or is your P5 an LE? Thanks again!
no it's just a p-5.
But I understand the p-5.3 is a killer, never heard it though!
VTL 7.5 is fully balanced w 2 balanced outputs. Also a lot of balanced inputs (I think almost all can be either balanced or SE). Having compared it to many very fine preamps it is an imaging champ with the widest soundstage of any preamp I have heard. Depending on your amp the gain might be too much on the Mk 1 but the Mk2 is a better preamp w less gain, and works into systems better. Very natural sounding. I am not sure about the 6.5 if it has 2 sets of balanced outputs but it is close in sound & worthwhile to investigate if it does. I might be biased but I did compare it too several top preamps with great success.