SS or Tube Preamps with Dual-Balanced outputs

I vertically bi-amp; I am looking for recommendations on fully balanced pre-amps that offer the ability to have 2 simultaneous balanced outputs. I am look for a full balanced circuit (some call this quad-balanced I believe).

Currently, I've been using a Classe CP-700 with excellent results for over a year and half. I like the Classe's build quality, separate power supply, air, clarity, imaging, musicality, etc...very much.

What other SS or Tube pre-amps offer dual-balanced outputs
with great imaging and other desirable sonic attributes?

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Every post is the same Bill.

nag this and Nag that.

Over and over and over.

Take a breath.

(smiles!) Guido
Guys....thanks for all of the help and extra info on the Capri to confirm what I had found online. Have a great weekend!
Ah well. . . you've got to admit that. . . it was "A Valiant Attempt" . . . to say it with the old game of Zork! G.