Help - Need Preamp under 5K for Class D amps

I’ve been looking at preamps for some time now and now that I’ve finally taken delivery of some audiophile quality speakers it time to find this device.
My current setup is as follows:

Line Arrays in the form of AV123 LS-6’s driven by a pair of Nuforce 9 SEV2’s. No pre in the signal path. Source is a Slim devices Transporter. All files EAC ripped FLAC lossless compression.
AC services:
VH-Audio power cords service the Nuforce’s in Flavor 4 version as well as the Power conditioner. Dedicated circuit utilizing a Furutech outlet and Furutech silver IEC connectors, Furutech gold plugs on the opposite end on power cords except on the Transporter end where I use a Oyaide 079.

Adona Rack and a considerable amount of room treatments.

So what I hear while sitting on the couch is a pretty resolving system with pinpoint imaging, a decent amount of bloom, dynamics galore and a generally pleasing sound except… I’m not quite where I want to be in terms of just being able to relax into the music. I’d like a bit more air, or bloom or warmth? Sorry I don’t have the right description but perhaps the fact that I have NO pre is the problem in general. Overall sound seems to be a bit clinical. Maybe that’s the word.

This is why I ask the help of my audiophile brothers and sisters here. Running my MAC RCA Palladiums’ doesn’t improve this much over the balanced cables I own which are DH-Labs DIYers. Having a home theatre system in tow that utilizes the Nuforce’s as well I find myself constantly moving interconnect cables which is annoying at best.

I’ve been looking at Dan’s Modwright 36.5 and auditioned one from a fellow Audiogon seller. I couldn’t get a handle on it’s attributes from that audition – too different a system not to mention that I didn’t like what I was hearing from his setup. Others pre’s I’ve been interested in are as follows:

Parasound Halo JC-2 – No tubes but does that really matter?
Aesthetix Calypso
Audio Horizons 2.1
Modwright 36.5

Thanks for your advice.
I guess I should add my 2 cents. I've just dealt with a small manufacturer AV123 whom I purchased some line arrays from. My experience was miserable. Emails and phone calls messages largly ignored, lost, unanswered, overall a frustrating experience. It wasn't worth it. The speakers we received are worth way more than we paid for them. The cabinets are worth more than we paid IMHO! They are drop dead beautiful. They might even sound great when I get a decent preamp. I see no downside if you can find these in stock. I know Mark Shifter tries like hell but I might imagine that there's too many folks to please. We were one of them!

Still, we were in suspense for 6 months wondering what and when we would have. We didn't need this type of drama at this stage of our lives. All it would have taken was a phone call.I agree with the last gentlemen that there are two sides to a story.

Now we wish for a product that performs just as our Classe's (amps) and our Def Tech's performed, flawlessly for 12 years. They should have blown up for as careless as I had become as an experimenter ! But excellent design and execution on their part ruled the day for us. To many other things screwing up or breaking in our busy lives to have to worry about our stereo equipment breaking. Maybe I'm just upset that our coffee maker is broken...

Sorry, off on a tangent - forgive me please.

I digress. Red Wine Audio has come out with the Isabella. On paper and review it looks like a fine preamp. Doesn't actually "look" all that fine but is said to perform steller. It's a battery powered unit that will perform with AC as well if I read it right. Has a DAC option which I don't really need and is built with a USB option (with DAC option) meaning, bring on those digital files. That in itself is intriguing. Who's heard of this, knows this preamp or is familiar with Red Wine Audio?

Where's the HT bypass? Is it so stupid to stack speaker cables coming from a multichannel amp and a two channel amp provided you NEVER send voltage from both sources? I had to ask so shoot me.

I think that was about 2 bucks worth in this economy.
Desalvo55, I have learned the hard way that you cannot make decisions from these forums or reviews. It is very difficult because everyone seems to listen to different types of music and has their own system interactions. I listen to a lot of classical music so my priority for sound will probably differ to those who like electronic music. You also don't know the level of experience of the people in the thread. This hobby is definitely one that brings more sophistication the longer you are exposed to it. There is also no way to know if the participants have vested interests unless you know them personally. Manufacturers have even been caught using an alias to support their own products.
I have heard most of the gear mentioned above and even spoke to Teajay by phone today. I have heard his Audieclipse and thought it sounded good in HIS system. It is actually quite nice eye candy also. I have no idea what the Audioeclipse or any of the other gear mentioned would do in your system. I have bought a number of pieces because of a thread or a review. Most times I have been not been happy with the outcome. Just my 2 cents, Bob

The good news is you can try an AH 2.1 and possibly a Dude and keep the one you like better. I think both offer a trial.

You can even buy a used Cary SL98, CJ LS16 etc and again keep the one you like and sell the other one.

I have done just this over the years and now know for myself which preamp giants are really fair, good and great.

My experience is most dealers won't do that, but the smaller direct companies will.
hey desalvo55,,

"Who's heard of this, knows this preamp or is familiar with Red Wine Audio?"

i have the RWA Isabella with dac option and this is one sweeeeeeeet sounding premap and dac! much more tonally rich, blacker background, and more punch than the modwright LS36.5 i tried first. as far as "looks," the Isabella is very solid and well built but like other rwa components it is not flashy with chrome and gold and lights. you don't think about it when listening - you just listen and enjoy. well that has been my experience at least. i have posted about here on agon a few times so do a seach. I also have the RWA 30.2 and it is is a great amp. now i'm all off-the-grid and am finally done with my system and enjoying every minute of it! well, i still want to try those rwa cables, but not right now.

the good think is rwa offers a 30-day trial so you only lose shipping if it is not for you. the other thing you might want to do is check out the rwa forum on audiocircle for more feedback like this one -

i havent sighed up to post there but i lurk there all the time. i like vinnie @ rwa very much and like how he is active on his forum and how responsive he was to my phone calls and emails before i bought. this is much more important to me than a product that that fancy wood panels or chrome n' gold, but doesnt sound as good and does not have the designer who is as good to work with and interactive with his customers, and who doesnot stand behind the product with a money back trial period.i need to here the equipment in my systme with my ears. reviews are nice to get an idea what might be interesting but you just need to listen and decide what is best for you.

good Luck
