what are the thoughts of stand alone super tweeter

i want to buy a pair of totally stand alone super tweeters, with all necessary parts built into the super tweeter, just place it on top of my speakers and run speaker cables to piggyback my present speakers connections or even come off my power amp.please tell me pros and cons. price seems to be from $500-$3000 except for the radio shack built years ago.which sell for about $80.00 used........... audiogon has the high end ones all the time, is it worth my money... regards forevermusic414
Markphd, your last paragraph is all that I originally meant to say. Had it not been for the demonstration I heard at CES, I would never have bought the Muratas.

As usual my strong insistence that if you hear a benefit it is all that should influence your purchasing decision has gotten me in trouble with those who say you cannot hear a difference if there is no "conventionally accepted theory" to explain why this should be so. This "orthodoxy" is quite unscientific despite the insistence of those advocating it that it is "good" science. I am not a novice in science as I have explained.

I should also note that I decided at the eleventh hour to get my doctorate in political science rather than psychology although I took all my methods training in psychology and had many more seminars in that field. I am well aware of the mind's "jumping to conclusions" and the influence of saliency on the senses.
BTW - I would add that many ordinary tweeters compress quite badly - yes really - even the ones on five figure speakers. FWIW - I would be more concerned with the quality of the transducers producing the all too audible frequencies between 60 Hz and 12 Khz and in particular the audio quality in the midrange than worrying about the extremes of say a supertweeter.
Shadorne, Does seem most loudspeaker purchasers have no clue about the transducers crossovers etc used. And most manufacturers keep a tight lip so no wonder this is so. With so many loudspeakers with a few $100 in electric parts selling for over $10000. No wonder so many gear churners in this hobbie. So maybe if loudspeakers used better quality parts and designs folks wouldn't feel such a need for add ons, tweaks or constant change to keep ones attention on the music not on the system.
American diner coffee used to taste awful everywhere but along came Starbucks and then everyone else pulled their socks up. You can now find good coffee nearly anywhere. We need a Starbucks speaker....one with good quality ingredients but that is widely avaliable so people can taste it and compare to regular diner fare.

Of course some people always had their own Italian coffee machines and DIY'd their own coffee with excellent high quality ingredients - a small minority perhaps. Is it the same with speakers?
I purchased a set of the LCY Super Tweets, added them to my Alon1's and they changed not only the upper freq's but the mids take on a whole new sense of depth. I have them pointed at a 45 degree angle to the speakers on top of the Alon's bass cabinet deck. The soundstage seems to open up - front to back- giving a much more defined 3 dimensional effect to the music. My speakers seem to take on a tone on refinement that I usually hear in much more expensive set ups. They sound so good that I am not remotely interested in changing speakers. Although I am now looking for a pair of ASL Hurricanes to power them as opposed to the Bryston that currently feeds them. How sweet will that sound?? But I am sold on the tweets , for now. anyway. Best $500- I spent in the past year.