Battery Powered Preamps

I notice that the more expensive preamps get within a line, or in general, the more complexity and expense seems ot be applied to the power supply and regualtion; sometimes with the addition of a second box for the power supply.

I conclude power supply is important. If this is so, why not go the simpler route of battery power for pure DC? My Dodd Battery Pre works very well indeed (for context -I've owned CAT, Lamm, ARC, Joule, Placette Active, Atma-sphere (still own), Bent TAP). Am I missing something, or doesn't battery power just make the most sense for a preamp - off the grid and all that? Seem much simpler than most highend approaches, and much less expensive to implement.
Dgarretson, JRDG twin chassis Criterion is based on BB OPA1632 modules. Jeff Rowland designed its battery PS around NiMH D cells. I will finally listen to it in room 505 on Friday at RMAF. . . still have no idea if it sounds good, bad, or indifferent. I am also curious to find out how it compares to the minimalistic SS PS Capri, which is also based on BB OPA-1632. I will definitely also visit RedWine and Dod suites.
Guido, I don't know if Reference Audio Mods is at the show, but if so, consider stopping by to hear an all battery-powered system that Kyle of RAM & Serge of Audio Consulting in Switzerland have been developing for some time. Like Rowland, they are also doing some impressive things with the latest generation of op amps and batteries.
Dgarretson, are you thinking battery power frontend electronics, I'm concerned with preamps in particular, is where we are heading for best sound?
Dgarretson, I just searched the official RMAF Excel spreadsheet, and I cant find RAM nor Audio Consulting. If you or any one else finds them lurking somewhere at the show, post here and I will definitely visit them.