Using a Pre-Out to Bi-amp

I recently bought a Jolida 302B integrated tube amp with a custom installed pre-out. I have a pair of B&W 804's that are bi-ampable. I was wondering if I could run a
SS power amp through the pre-out (to run the bass) and then run the tweeter and mids through the Jolida 302B ?

Is there something I should be considering that I am not?

Thanks for your help
Fact of the matter is that an electron is in a fuse about 8.5e-11 seconds and people claim to hear that. But who's counting?
All that has to happen to create time smear is for one amp to have a slight amount of latency....even 1/2 millisecond is about 7 inches of speaker misalignment....and it isn't the speed of LIGHT that matters but the speed of SOUND, which is what....about 1100ft/second?
I think this hypothetical is just as valid as some of the other....persuasions of hi-end.
At least amplifier latency can be tested with a signal generator and a duel trace o-scope.
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Amp 1 is 'quicker' or 'slower' to transfer a signal than #2.
Say....about 1/2 milisecond. 1/2 milisecond at the speed of SOUND translates into about 6 or 7 inches.
If the 'late' signal gets to the tweeter, than it will appear as out of phase/ time smeared info. A 3-way system would make matters worse.
Right, of course, about transducer in amp to convert electrical to sound, but IF there is some reason for the signal to take longer to go THRU the amp, there you are.
This, in all fairness, is theoretical. BUT, it is easily tested with a signal generator and dual trace o-scope. If you were only dealing with a length of wire, it'd have to be nearly 1800 miles long to produce such a delay. But, toss in some caps / inductors / RC / LC networks and it could happen.
It is not the distance a signal travels, but the time it takes.
If I were prone to Bi-Amp, I'd use identical amps.
Since this is testable, I have no worries that someone hasn't already thought of this, measured it and discarded the idea.
Another good reason to use identical amps is possible phase invert of one but NOT both. This'll throw most people and cause no end to image / focus problems until properly diagnosed.
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Test w/O-Scope is confirmation.
Your reasoning is overall sound, but some amps may contain circuitry which acts in a time delay manner and May be audible. Something over 1/4 millisecond should do it.
I was just suggesting time delay as a possible occurance. I doubt it is really an issue, but lesser things have been turned into issues.
One thing NoBody mentioned was to have amps which are a match in Timbre. Put Rotel and NAD together and You've got a catfight. Or how 'bout Krell and Mac?