McIntosh MC352 or MC402?

I'm getting ready to jump on the McIntosh bandwagon. I have read wonderful reviews of the MC402 and the MC352 but can't decide which would be a better value. Does the 402 have much of a sonic improvement over the 352? I've read that the 352 is slightly less harsh in the mids and highs but this could be attributed to break in time or the lack thereof. I plan on using whichever amp I choose with a Sunfire Classic Tube Preamp. My source components are a Denon cd player and a Thorens turntable. Speakers are vintage JBL 120Ti's, but I may be upgrading to Thiel 1.6's I would really appreciate any input anyone may have.
MC352 with the led light kit from Audio Classics is the better bang for the buck. Give Ernie a call and he will help you determine what will fit your needs.

352/402-both are fully balanced-352 bulbs-402 led's
252-not fully balanced-led's

Happy McHunting
IMO the 402 is the way to go...on the used market the extra $800-$1000 is well worth the added detail and dynamics you will hear.Also when it comes time to move on the 402 is an easier sale and always will be...
I can appreciate the LED approach but my MA 6100 still has the original bulbs and they all still work after at least 30 years. I leave it on all night long and a good part of the day. Of course after saying this they'll probably all go out tonight.
If you buy the MC352 the money you save from not buying the MC402 could buy you a pair of Thiel 2.4's. These are way better than the 1.6's. Just something to consider.

The MC402 outclasses every piece of associated gear you listed. It is considered by many to be a reference amp. I would only buy it if you plan on upgrading your current equipment to the level of the 402. You will NEVER hear what that amp can do with getting better gear. That being said, it will make a wonderful anchor for a very good sounding system. You need to be prepared to keep it long enough to do it justice. If not, you will be out of it and miss out on a wonderful amp. For reference I own the amp along with the Mac C2300 pre.