I'm a total newbee to all this... Phono vs Preamp?

Ok, I realize that before a turntable's signal gets amplified it needs to (1) get EQ'd and (2) be brought up to Line level. I currently use a decent receiver that has a built in Phono Stage. My turntable also has a built in preamp, but I don't use it.

I've been looking at getting a decent tube preamp to fool around with, but I want to get this straight before I buy anything:
If I hook my turntable into a preamp that does not have a phono-stage, can I still hook that into the Phono section of my receiver? Or will that be too much gain?

Could I switch on the preamp on my table, or would that be too much gain?

Or would I need to get a phono stage on it's own?

Let me know, I'm a tad confused.
And that is how bad? Or does it just mean I'd lose fidelity, as I'd just be adding an unnecessary component to the chain?
If you buy a tube preamp without a phono section, you can plug your TT into your receiver, and take the tape out from your receiver and feed it into your new preamp. Ultimately, you probably want to eventually just get a decent stand-alone phono stage, or get a preamp with a phono stage included.
But then you would have to feed the output of the preamp back into the receiver. The whole question here is just what are you trying to accomplish? The idea of getting a superior component is removing the inferior one from the chain. The benefit of the better component is greatly lessened if not removed entirely if you still have the worse component processing the signal. The chain is only as strong as it's weakest link; just adding a better unit somewhere in the chain does not somehow magically transform the sound.