RCA to XLR adaptor for Ayre, is it worth it?

I have an Ayre V3 which has both XLR-in and RCA-in; according to Ayre, it is much prefered to operate the V3 in the balanced mode.

Currently I only have RCA-out from my source/pre and I'm using the RCA-in on the V3. Is it worth the effort to use a RCA-XLR adaptor and have the V3 switched to the balanced mode?

Currently I don't have the space and $ to switch to a balanced pre setup.
From my experiences, adapters hurt the sound as much or possibly more than they can help the sound. I've used power cord and interconnect adapters from many manufacturers, and they all seem to leave their own sonic footprint on the music.

I would recommend you just run in single ended mode with a good interconnect until the time comes when you can afford to run fully balanced.

Using an adapter will not give you balanced operation. You need a balanced component to connect w/the V-3 (via XLR) to achieve a truly balanced mode.

Also, just because there is an XLR jack, that doesn't mean the piece is balanced. The Ayre is, so no worries there.
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