If I like sound of Ayre Integrated I would Like...

I am trying to get ideas of what Ingrted Amps I might need to look at before buying.

Please fill in the blanks.
I have a great sounding SS rig, but I can't help but wonder what the heck goes on in those little red glowing tubes in my secondary rig (Cayin A-50T). The sound is pretty sweet (into just B & W 685's). My next upgrade in my big rig was going to be the Ayre MX-R monoblocks but due to my little Cayin, I just may go with the Shindo (tubs). I know they're ineffecient, the heat issues, supposedly not the slam of SS but I am so taken back with this little Cayin, I now think I know what the big deal is about with tubes. I'd love to see a state of the art tube rig in my main room. I know I will need new speakers as well but what the heck.
DKZZZZ , How can you state that you like the sound of the Ayre and then say its price is bloated by 60%.
On what basis can you say that.If you found something that is the Ayre equal and can also save 60% then buy it.I am not an Ayre fan. I just dont enjoy posts that make unwarranted statements
Everything in audio world is overpriced. Ignorance of general audiophile is the sole reason we have 3000 different amps 300 different manufacturers who are trying to sell their "tuned-by-ear" or as I call it broken equipment at rediculous prices. That is why the prices are such. The same story is with speakers. Absolute majority of speakers are just awful and overpriced drek.
But that is why we have experts who advise bumpkins on which broken amp to match with which poorly-designed speaker to get shitty sound.
But I digress.
But I digress.

That, sir, is an understatement.

This starting to remind of some very bad, and very long threads.

Yes, I can think of a few other threads that if combined with what this one is well on its way to becoming, may combust and take out a suburb in Michigan. Fortunately many of those have been removed with extreme prejudice by Audiogon under great pressure from Homeland Securtiy. We ought to see if we could harness the power of a thread like this and heat a few thousand homes.