If I like sound of Ayre Integrated I would Like...

I am trying to get ideas of what Ingrted Amps I might need to look at before buying.

Please fill in the blanks.
>>If I understand the "argument," there are so many brands and so many models competing in the marketplace that the result is excessively high prices.<<

You got it.

What we really need here is another monopoly like AT&T had on telephone service years ago.

One integrated amplifier for everbody and every application. That would bring the prices down.

Ah, the good old days.
Dkzzz You seem to have such all encompassing experience. Why would one with such knowledge need help in selecting a mid priced integrated?
Dkzzzz, the Jeff Rowland Design Group Continuum 500 meets all your criteria.

Thank you Dave I am looking into JR. It bites at the price point ,but I might score some on Ebay.
>>the Jeff Rowland Design Group Continuum 500 meets all your criteria<<


At $8800 it's about $8000 too bloated. We need to be at a much lower price level without any lip flopping.

Oh, and it can't be a hedious design either.