If I like sound of Ayre Integrated I would Like...

I am trying to get ideas of what Ingrted Amps I might need to look at before buying.

Please fill in the blanks.
Audiofeil, price can't be helped, unless you belong to Our Holy Church Of Wishful Thinking, but if you are experiencing unsightly flopping of lower lip, that mildly upsetting problem can be easily corrected by simple surgical restiching procedure on the detached phrenulum.
"At $8800 it's about $8000 too bloated. We need to be at a much lower price level without any lip flopping."
by Audiofeil

You sound like a bitter salesman. Toughen up it will only get worse.

I can get Jeff Rowland Concerta 250 on ebay for 4000-25% that would be about only $700.00 overpriced.
Wow, our audio dealer friend Mr. Feil has really gone over the edge. In the interest of fairness, everyone should go to his site and check out his wares. Maybe that'll stop his trembling lip.

So, check out Bill's offerings then check out Rowland for yourself. Reach your own conclusions.

I can get Jeff Rowland Concerta 250 on ebay for 4000-25% that would be about only $700.00 overpriced.

Go for it dude. Give the Pimp your money and put this thread out of its misery. If you're going to drop over 4 large on a Concerta I'm not sure why you'd be hesitant to go for the Ayre at $2900 retail, and much less used. Oh yeah, it's hedious...and bloated! Better to look good than to sound like you prefer it. You could always listen with a paper bag over your head with two ear-holes cut out. You could first turn the bag inside out and tape a picture of the Rowland amp inside it and then you could look at that while you listen to the Ayre. I suggest implementing The Perch™ for enhanced enjoyment. That, and make sure to have Geoff Kait give you a phone call to get that new amp really living up to its potential. You can listen to some Grateful Dead and do some twirling on that The Perch™ - Hell, I'll give you the "savvy buyer" discount on a The Perch™ so you can tell everyone you didn't pay the bloated price that I usually charge folks. Dude, you'll be cooking with gas, laughing at those old geezers listening to their novelty tinker-toy tube amps, while you've got it all...at a very nice price....why I can just picture it now.