Dynaudio C2 with Plinius 9200

G'day all

I would like to ask the advice of fellow Dynaudio/Plinius owners and fans.

I am considering upgrading my speakers to Dynaudio C2's and im wondering wether my Plinius 9200 would be adequate to drive them or would i need to upgrade to a bigger Plinius amp.

My room is approx 15' x 18' and i generally only listen at low to moderate volumes so will the 9200 still give me the kick??

Thanks very much
Yes... you will be fine. I've owned the C2's and now the C4's in a room measuring 21' x 15' and partially opened on one end... I've had no problems giving them kick with the Plinius SA-102 amp (125 wpc).
I've got the 9200 paired with the C1. The system has a tendency to be a bit soft in the highs. Nothing wrong with it if that is your cup of tea.

I've a/bed the 9200 and the M8-SA102 and one of the areas the latter is significantly better is the HF.
IMO I disagree...The dynaudio C2 as well as the C4 will sound and preform its best with power even at lower volumes.Bigger is better on this situation..Check out a Mac 402 or 501 combo which sounds great on my C4s.I dont really think a SA102 would really do it,not for me anyway.I ran a Pass X150.5 and a X250.5 and the diff was head turning..
Dynaudios C or Contour have no treble thus will sound muddy or as some audiophiles prefer to call it tubey or warm.

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