Dynaudio C2 with Plinius 9200

G'day all

I would like to ask the advice of fellow Dynaudio/Plinius owners and fans.

I am considering upgrading my speakers to Dynaudio C2's and im wondering wether my Plinius 9200 would be adequate to drive them or would i need to upgrade to a bigger Plinius amp.

My room is approx 15' x 18' and i generally only listen at low to moderate volumes so will the 9200 still give me the kick??

Thanks very much
As oppose to most of theorist around here I listen to every piece of equipment before I comment on its quality. And I am not a salesman ,so i ahve no vested interest in misleading folks as oppose to you AudioFeil.
Dkzzzz - Please tell us what equipment, speakers and cables your system consists of.
>>so i ahve no vested interest in misleading folks as oppose to you AudioFeil.<<

Strong accusation Sparky.

So I would ask you to point out where I've misled anybody.

Go ahead.
Post removed 

Interesting observation. I listened to less expensive or perhaps the least expensive Dynaudio Countour 1.4 through Linn integrated then trough Naim nait in both cases treble was dead, just like you described it : there was no Alive-sound to be found.

Side note: 99% of speakers are just horrible exercises in cabinet making and have nothing to do with competent design.

If anyone needs a good set of speakers they don't need to look anywhere other than ATC floor standing speakers preferably active.