Dynaudio C2 with Plinius 9200

G'day all

I would like to ask the advice of fellow Dynaudio/Plinius owners and fans.

I am considering upgrading my speakers to Dynaudio C2's and im wondering wether my Plinius 9200 would be adequate to drive them or would i need to upgrade to a bigger Plinius amp.

My room is approx 15' x 18' and i generally only listen at low to moderate volumes so will the 9200 still give me the kick??

Thanks very much
Dkzzz, unfortunately each concert hall is different, and not all seats are equal in sonic terms. It happened with me several times that bad concerthall acoustic destroyed for me the concert. I frequently go to classical concerts. I always very picky on selecting the right seats.
I am a Dynaudio dealer, and I carry other speaker brands that use fancy tweeters with 40+ khz rated frequency extension. In all my listening, I have never heard anything as described as "no treble". In fact Dynaudio Esotar2 tweeters sound every bit as detailed, if not moreso, than the "exotic" material tweeters.

Dkzzzz, you obviously have an axe to grind, because your scathing remarks are completely unwarranted, off-topic, and just plain wrong. Dynaudio is an internationally distributed speaker brand that is relied on by some of the finest professional recording studios and most discerning customers out there. I carry well over 20 world-class manufacturers and have been doing this many years. Dynaudio is the most professional class-act of a company that I have ever dealt with! They are a real technology company that has been building their own products for the better part of 30 years, unlike most of the cheap low-tech, all hype junk that has flooded the audio market in recent years.

To the original poster: I have only heard the Plinius products with Dynaudio speakers on a couple occasions and always thought the combination sounded very good. I know of a few Dynaudio owners that swear on the Dynaudio/Plinius combination. Most of what you see in the North American audio shows is the pairing with Simaudio which incidentally works well. I would use 200 watts into 8 ohms as a minimum starting point for these speakers. Probably 300-500 watts into 8 ohms is more optimal, but there are only a couple integrated type amplifiers on the market designed for that kind of power. Some that come to mind that will do at least 200 watts into 8 ohms (though I'm sure there are more):
Krell KAV400xi, FBI
Musical Fidelity A5.5, A1008, KW550
Plinius 9200, Hiato
McIntosh MA6600,MA7000
Simaudio I-7
NAD Masters M3
Chord CPM 3350

I would also call Dynaudio directly and ask them what they would recommend. They are always willing to help and support a fellow owner.
"11-08-08: Dkzzzz
I don't think it is a power issue. If it was I would be complaining about lack of bass not the excess of it."

Lack of power = uncontrolled, loose, dull, muffled, slow bass = excess of bass.
Wow, i didn't expect such a stir.
Thanks everyone for you input, it has been entertaining as well as very informative.
Unfortunately where i live in Western Australia it's very difficult to get the opportunity to audition a variety of equipment and there's not a great deal of good secondhand gear out there so all advice is good advice.
Can i ask one more question of anybody still reading this post. The Plinius SA-103 is only 125 Watts into 8 with 50 Amps peak, although this is a class A amp why is it going to be a step up from the 9200 with 200 Watts and 40 Amps. Is the extra 10 Amps of more benefit than the Watts and why?
separates usually perform better than integrated amps.
this is where the upgrade in sonics would come from, by switching to separates. but in case of speakers that like power, the overall improvement would be questionable at best, since you will be switching to a lower powered amp. I would start with 200w/ch into 8ohms for these speakers.