Personal Preamp Evolution.

Yamaha C-80, Yamaha C-2, Sumo Athena, Blue Circle BC3, Blue Circle BC3000, Hovland HP100 and Antique Sound Lab TwinHead.
Quad 33, Dayton-Wright SPA modified, Precision Fidelity C-7, Classé DR-7, BAT VK-3i, BAT VK-51SE. Then I eliminated the preamp completely buy using the preamp section in the Audio Aero Capitole and Prestige CD players.
Hafler DH101(1977), Musical Concepts modded DH101(1979), Musical Concepts main board added(1980), Hegeman Hapi 2(1981), Audible Illusions 2d(1982),Audio Research SP-9(1986),sold everything 1988(kids), Rotel RSP(?) home theater(2002), Odyssey Tempest(2004),Audio Horizons TP2.0n(2006)

HH Scott integrated (~1965)
Kenwood integrated (~1976)
Sherwood receiver (~1981)
NAD 1020B
B&K xxx5
Audio Research sp9mkii
Sonic Frontiers SFL1-SE
Air Tight ATM1 (amp w/attenuators)
Spectral DMC20mk2
Cary SLP2002
CAT SL1mkiii
Joule Electra LA150
Joule Electra LA100mkiii
Atma-Sphere MP-3
Herron VTSP1-166a
Dodd Battery Powered

This makes me feel old! Cheers,
Fisher Integrated
Harman Kardon Integrated
Threshold FET 9
Audio Research SP14
Placette Linestage
Joule LA100 Mk3/OPS Mk3

Still have the Placette and Joule to enjoy