McIntosh tubes, enough to drive totem?

I am considering the purchase of a McIntosh tube integrated amp, the MA2275 which is 70 wpc. I have not had a chance to demo this with my totem model 1 sig yet. I am concerned that it may not have enough power to properly drive the totems which apparently like power. I listen to music in a small room at low to moderate levels. Also wondering if it would provide enough power should i upgrade to the Mani 2s in the future.

While it's true that I was driving Totem Forests with 30wpc and it sounded great (the Macs should be fine), I have to say that they never sounded better than they did when I drove them with a big SS amp. They really do well with LOTS of power behind them. YMMV.
I was using my Totem Model one with a CJ Premier 11 and they sounded great.
The CJ had 70 watts, so the Mac should do just fine.
Also used them with ML 33 h and they worked extremely well.
Good luck,
I would agree with Socrates. Driving the Mani-2's with a VTL ST-150 was a not so great experience. Mac MC402, now you're talking!