BAT VK-32 tube preamp or stay with BAT VK-3ix

I have ordered a BAT VK-55SE. (I was using a solid state VK-220). I currently have a BAT VK-3ix which I really think is a nice preamp. I haven't been able to find much on the VK-32 and am curious to know if you think it would be a big step up from the VK-3ix. If I do this I'm probably looking at the non-SE version of the preamp as I kind of like the idea of the 6922's in the chain. (If you think the SE version is the better option plse say so).

Would prefer to not have recommendations for another brand of preamp as I really like BAT and the synergy I got with the VK-220 and 3-ix. I just got the urge to try a Tube amp for the first time, so any thoughts on the VK-32 or 32SE are appreciated.

Source is Ayre C-5xe and speakers = Harbeth M-30, and I don't have a local dealer where I can audition.

Thanks, Mark
Hello Art,

Congratulations! I'm sure you made a great choice and that the BAT combo will give you many years of wonderful sound.


hello Tom, actually

i am divided between the vk-32 or vk32se or vk52se as a pre amp now... am deciding to get a new preamp and then a used power amp....budget constraint

any advice...

Hello Art,

I haven't heard any of the ones you are thinking of. However I do have some advise.

First, my experience with any of the BAT "SE" vs.non -"SE", amp or preamp, is that I find the "SE" variants to be more tonally accurate, resolved and articulate of detail, better extended, and more linear in dynamics.

If the sonic difference between the 51se vs.31se is any indication of the differences between the 52se and the 32se, then .... if it were me, it would be worth it to go for the 52se.

Another reason my pick would be the 52se is that down the road you could have it upgraded to the (IMHO remarkable!) REX without having to sell. Also, the fact that the 52se can be upgraded to a REX I think would be a desirable selling point if you ever need to sell the 52se.

Art one of the online magazines gave the 52se a stellar review. If I find it I will send you an email with the link of the review ... ok

Art, here is the link for the 52se review.
Mama-mia this VK-55SE is nice. Still not completely broken in, but as I said elsewhere, I was fearful of trying a tube amp and now I wish I'd done it earlier.. As a newbie I like the fact that there's no biasing to do.

I'd never really heard holographic like sound 'til now and there is more 'air' and a greater sense of 'space' between instruments. The mids are more natural sounding and I don't notice any lack of slam compared to the VK-220 or an Ayre amp I had.

After another 100 hours I'm going to replace the (2) stock 6922 tubes- haven't yet removed the cover but imagine they're Sovteks. Also, as the amp only has (2) 6H30's I'm thinking of trying a couple of 6h30-DR tubes.

Art, thanks for your thoughts on the 3i-x and 32se. I still would be very interested in hearing the 32 series, but in no hurry. Another pleasant surprise is how quiet the BAT tube combo is. I'm really liking this.