Joule Electra LA-150 MK3 vs MK2?

Apparently there is a MK3 version of the highly regarded LA-150 now and I can't seem to find any info on it. Can anyone tell me how it differs from the MK2? Thanks in advance, John.
As to value per dollar, that comparison is best left to other who can compare it with other $10K+ preamps. The best I cn do right now is discuss it in comparison to the LA-150MK11. I have to keep this short given I need to get the room going here today.

- Much better bass... the bass has outstanding resolution, weight, definition.
- Dynamics.. Again better. The LA-300 does appear more quiet to me so macro and micro dynamics are very well represented
- Top end sounds more extended... a very natural, liquid and open extension.
- Tone - The quieter nature of this preamp means that midrange tonality is better developed in its bloom and decay. Most importantly the tone sounds right.. with the correct amount of body and texture with outstanding resolution (would not be a Joule - Electra preamp otherwise IMHO)
- Soundstage/imaging... always a strength of Joule preamps IMO and this preamp does it in a excellent manner. The blacker background does result in better ability to define the images in the stage.

Gotta run. Have a good day everyone
Hello Signaturesound, Clio09 - now after, CES - what is yours impression of Joule-Electra LA-300ME preamp?
Thank you in advance
Hi All,

There is a little report of the Merlin/Joule Electra room here.

I'm not sure if this room was using the new LA-300ME preamp.



That is the room. I agree the sound was more authoritative at CES vs. RMAF. Whether it was the speakers, LA-300, room or a combination of those (the amps and CDP were the same ones used at RMAF) components is the real question.