TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???

I'm looking for input from tube amp lovers that have switched from tube to solid state amplifiers and not looked back.

What tube amp did you move on from?

What SS amp provided the same level of musicality, keeping you smiling for the long-haul?

I've owned a Plinius SA-102 and an Ayre V1XE, both of which are respectable, decent sounding SS amps. However, neither of them could provide the enjoyment of the better tube amps I've owned from VAC and McIntosh.
"07-19-15: Mikey8811
I am considering Ayre but have heard reports that they sound lean compared to Pass or even the older class A Krells (which are by no means tubey sounding). Friends tell me the midrange is very natural sounding and clear but lacks body. True?"

There's really no way to answer that question. Everyone has different tastes, systems and rooms. At this level you can't rely on others opinions. You'll need to hear it for yourself. I use Ayre in my system and and think it sounds different than what your friends say. There's no right or wrong; just different opinions.
Geoffkait, I personally don't want to buy any swampland in Florida but if you got any beachfront property in Arizona, I'm your taker. Anyhow not all, but some new tube amps sounds like very good solid state. Go figure, but there is some very good solid state amps out there including Conrad Johnson.
I had a Pass 150.5, after experimenting with a Pathos
hybrid, which didn't have enough low end for me...The
Pass was fantastic, but hot and expensive to run; I am
now running a Bel Canto Ref500s which I enjoy
tremendously. It's paired up with a Cary tube Pre and
that seems to make for a very nice combo.

I loved my CJ MF2250. Sold it too soon...