Which is the most tubelike solid state amp around

Being a tube person who is trying to put together an active loudspeaker setup , I have come across the problem of choosing the best driver for the midrange and upper bass i.e.80Hz to 2.5 KHz. I would like to try a panel such as a Magnapan but am told that they are rather power hungry. Therefore, I would be grateful if fellow Audiogoners could share your experience in relation to the best powerful SS amps that would not be out of place in a "tube-ophile's" system.
based upon one of tvad's connotation of "tube like", i'd say it cannot be found in the performance of any solid state amp. i received a confirmation that a solid state amp would not sound like a tube amp, from victor khomenko, of balanced audio technology, back in the 90's, when i heard a comparison between the first bat ss amp and a tube amp at ces, 1992 or 1994.
Pass Labs has a clarity and grain-free sound reminiscent of certain modern tube amps I have owned, i.e. VAC and Atma-Sphere. However, the Pass Labs amps don't sound entirely like either tube amp.

So, while the Pass Labs XA-30.5 and XA-60.5 I have heard in my system are in some respects "tube-like", I cannot recommend them as direct replacements for modern tube amps with sonic characteristics like the VAC and Atma-Sphere amps.

Few tube amp owners I have met would be satisfied with a close approximation.

I happen to find the Pass Labs a satisfactory compromise with my present speakers, which to my ears are not driven successfully by tube amps.
I agree with those that say the mc402. I tried a number of amps before I hit on that one.
2nd the Clayton.Might add the Symphonic RG-1 and a few of the Bedini models.