Which is the most tubelike solid state amp around

Being a tube person who is trying to put together an active loudspeaker setup , I have come across the problem of choosing the best driver for the midrange and upper bass i.e.80Hz to 2.5 KHz. I would like to try a panel such as a Magnapan but am told that they are rather power hungry. Therefore, I would be grateful if fellow Audiogoners could share your experience in relation to the best powerful SS amps that would not be out of place in a "tube-ophile's" system.
I was pleasantly surprised with the B&K ST-202 and B&K Sonata EX-442.

It's just what was needed to take control over my Thiel CS 2s in my admittedly lively room.

I've run neutral amplification and warm amplification before, but these MOSFET B&Ks really sound special.
Blindjim & Mr tennis, It's nice to hear some of victors thoughts thank you! I recently read a review w/manufacturer that had a difficult time making the TL6.5 tube preamp superceed TL5.5's sound.

Ecka for what it's worth I have a moderately powered SS amp and am craving tube power for my 87db rated spks. The day will someday come however!