bat vk3ix OR bat vk32se PAIRING bat vk55

staring to move from my BAT vk300x to PRE-POWER and would really appreciate some advise on which of the above combination is better.

aware that the 2 preamps are of different price category but have read that the vk3ix is sweeter ect...and not exactly CAN/SHOULD be compared to vk32se. In short they are different class hence wondering if it makes sense comparing. Further, the bat vk55 is the max i can afford now hence wld decide on that as a fixed option as power amp.

Definitely would appreciate the ideas of tube swapping in the preamps and aware that 32se despite presence of 6H30, allows for swapping as well (without change of any circuit board...or am i mistaken)

My CDP is MARANTZ CD15 and SPEAKERS are Vandersteen 2CEsig2

any comparision is appreciated. : )

and yes, the 32se/55 pairing cost 3000usd MORE than the 3ix/55 pairing this increase worth it?

To clear up the confusion, you most certainly can tube roll in the 32se. Not only with brands, NOS etc. but also with the type of tubes.


Regarding the 3ix vs. 32se .... I would imagine that most would find the 32se to be the better sounding preamp paired with the VK-55 and it would not be a sonic mismatch in any way. Whether or not the improvement in sound is worth the extra $$$ is something that only the individual user can answer for themselves.

Also wanted to point out that the 32se is more flexible than the 3ix in tailoring the sound to one's taste and system with different tube choices. Hope this helps.

All the best,


tis is new to me. why is the 32se more flexible than 3ix in tailoring the sound?

my current vk300x - i have tried to tube rolled and found that the tube socket starts to be a little tinny bit loosen after a while. i hope the 32se would be more durable when it comes to tube rolling....

appreicate some input to my above...

Hi Art,

One of the specific design features in all of the latest BAT preamps was to enable the user to customise the sound to their taste and system through different tube choices. I figure they can explain it better than I can

so here's the link :

Art, have you actually heard the VK-55 drive your speakers?
To my taste and on the right speaker my choice would be to have the VK-55 with the 32se or the 3ix, I'm just not sure the Vandy 2CEsig2 is that speaker. The Bat VK-300x is an awfully good integrated and overall may do a better job of driving your speakers.

BTW, the "SE" version of any BAT component (at least to me) sounds more accurate, transparent, dynamic, with more truthful timbre. YMMV

Good luck,

Dont discount the SS BAT 42SE. I am auditioning one now and its been very nice. Better than the BAT 31SE I owned in the past.
solid state BAT ... hmmm it seems that the bat house sound does not only come from tubes then...all their gears showcase those fantastic tubes ...which shld be the prima donna of their selection ... right?