"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?

There sure seems to be allot of continued "BUZZ" regarding "D" amps. I am reading more and more SET/Tube users and lovers actually recommending and using them.

So what are your thoughts.
There's nothing cheap about Rowland, Spectron and a few others. BTW, these are not "digital" amplifiers, they are merely Class D.

The people that like these amps tend to like neutral, unstrained, clear sound. They demand very fine source components. If you want some added warmth to offset some glare from your CDP or cables, then you probably need to look eslewhere. Some people just want warms sounds and they should also look elsewhere.

I have gone from Rogue M 150s and various solid state class A and class A/B power amps to class D.

My first foray was with PS Audio GCC and GCA series, the GCA 250 had a level 2 mod from Underwood HiFi.

I then bought the Wyred 4 Sound SX 500s to biamp with the GCA 250. I sold them both and replaced with a W4S MC 250/500.

I chose W4S because Rick Cullen has been building class D for various companies. Also, he has a strong reputation as a modifier. Putting 2+2 together, he brings quite a bit of knowledge to the class D game.

Like all components, W4S amps are power cord and interconnect sensitive. I just replaced a Tek Line micro Reference Xtreme power cord with their Reference. I am shocked at how much better the Reference is over the already impressive micro Reference Xtreme. Definitely worth the extra $250 when used with the W4S amp.
I have a D-Sonic class D amp which replaced two class a and a/ab amps and I am astounded by the incredible dynamism, details, neutrality, etc, etc... I never heard my system sounding so realistic with true dynamics and details from top to bottom.

The fact that thanks to ICEpower modules it is possible to build amplifiers with real power (and making our planet greener) with perhaps less money (and I wouldn't call my 3K amp cheap by pop standards) doesn't mean that it doesn't deliver high quality.
I just don't understand why so many people are carried away by suppositions on a product that they didn't even listen to it, but I do understand if any of you would prefer a different type of sound.
If you do like neutrality, well there it is, to me it perfectly matches my power hungry, warm sounding Vienna Mahlers. I never heard them sounding so musical. I welcome technology advancement.
I talk to customers daily and generally speaking those most critical of Class D amps have never heard a good example. Some have and that's fine; at least they've given a listen.

Many are skeptical and unwilling to accept new technology when in fact a Class D amp would suit their requirement remarkably well.

Go figure.

Personally, I prefer SET. However, the number of speakers properly driven by SET amps make up only a small percentage of available products.

Dealer disclaimer.
Tweak1 hit on the head. Anyone venturing into class D have to rethink their system strategy. Class D transmits everything in your chain including gremlins emitted by your cords you don't even know are there before.

Same goes for digital sources. I have proven oversampling and upsampling are injurious to the signal. This, again, will not be so evident in conventional systems. Only in class D and fine SET systems do this truth bare out. Although the non-digital filter loaded DACs are few, the rewards using them is simply mind boggling.