"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?

There sure seems to be allot of continued "BUZZ" regarding "D" amps. I am reading more and more SET/Tube users and lovers actually recommending and using them.

So what are your thoughts.
Dcstep, How do you explain why neither the varnished Speltz Anti-Cable and my own virtually naked ribbon SCs have no hash issues? And why did the more lightly insulated Jenna sound less distorted than the Cardas?

Henry's amps are housed in a thick aluminum plate case. There is heavy internal shield separating the power supply from the module. My ICs are naked and long. My DAC and transport are obviously unaffected by any spurious ICE radiation.
Ghostrider, I do not mean to have my ribbons held up as a measure for the signal size. I just noted that it carries all frequencies with ease. The music signal is intensely complex. Timbre, dynamics, and musicality are a sum of an unimaginably complex wave particle pulse. I don't care how carefully a chip is designed to only cut out distortion, it is not going to be able to accomplish this task without taking out the most delicate of signal. Like I said, I can probe that here, and I have done so time after time.
Hi Dcstep, Guidocorona and I have communicated prior and I have been following the Criterion 2-chassis battery pre thread.

I actually have interest in this pce along with the 301 mono blocks. I have not found anyone who actually owns the 301's to date. Reading the Rowland site and spec information regarding the 312 stereo Guido uses and the 301 mono blocks I have to say it has left me a bit confused and wondering are the mono's the preferred way to go. My set-up is not stereo friendly so unfortunately I need to go with mono blocks. Are you aware of anyone using the 301's or have you heard anything about these.
Muralman1, the H2O M250SA are very interesting product also, you just recently installed the H2O Fire preamp and seem to be enjoying. Have you done any direct comparisons to Rowland, Spectron latest version, Bel Canto latest version.

If so what are your thoughts.

I was just chatting with someone today and the new Bel Canto MKII is suppose to be a substantial improvement and right now allot of talk.

ICE makes the modules. Great amp designers, the ones who understand the principles of good basic conventional amp design, have the best chance making great ICE amps.

Henry Ho works out of Texas building his amps and preamps there. If you look at the picture of the inside of my amps on my system, you will see this is far from being a module in a box. The analog power supply is more than just a transformer and caps.

Jeff Rowland has a proven his metal designing conventional amps. There is no question he is the master of great looks.