"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?

There sure seems to be allot of continued "BUZZ" regarding "D" amps. I am reading more and more SET/Tube users and lovers actually recommending and using them.

So what are your thoughts.
Dev, there's no sonic penalty for more power with Rowland. What speakers are you driving and how sensitive are they? 500/800 watts into 8/4 ohms may seem like overkill, but with speakers that need damping and control it's magical. Still, watts cost money.

Coffeey, have you done any direct comparison of any of these amps personally, if so which ones and what was you take good or bad.

I have read from others who have replace very well respected amps and a few who are SET lovers going this way which peaks my interest and I'm always open minded, if it works than it's okay by me.

Dcstep, it's really not the watts that I'm after there's more to it than that. This system I'm using MBL 101E's which people think are really hard to drive but what I have found doing research and personally experimenting with them that when in a room and loaded they are quiet easy to drive. I previously had a CAT 100 watt tube amp set-up with them with plenty of head room, I'm currently using them with 60 watt mono blocks which I just put in place for a hold over while looking for a replacement of the CAT's. I was not exspecting anything from these 60 watters and prior to installing them was wondering would these even drive them, well I am really shocked what they are doing and enjoying listening to my music.

Muralman1, I have seen your pics and viewed the inside of the amps which most defiantly look different than others but all I'm looking for is the end result. Have you done any direct comparisons to Rowland, Spectron, Bel Canto in your own system and if so what were your findings. I have not found many who flavour this specific line that you are using so more info. would be beneficial and welcomed.
Dcstep, the Lambda does not cause the speaker cables to hiss. It was definitely the cables. I have no interest in picking on Cardas. All cables that have more than a minimum of insulation talks. I can literally put my ear to my ribbons and hear nothing but music now.

Insulated cables hiss. Non insulated cables don't.
Dev, recall that I spoke to the dealer who was using the current model Spectron to drive MBL's in his personal system. I just looked up his name - Perrotta Consulting. According to his website, he reps, among others, the following amplifier manufacturers: Antique Sound Lab, BAT Balanced Audio Technology, Convergent Audio Technology, Copland, Creek, EAR, HALO by Parasound, Lamm Industries, Manley Labs, Mark Levinson, MBL, Plinius, PS Audio, VAC.

Considering the quality of gear available to him, there must be something special about the Spectron mated to the the MBL's for him to be using it. Maybe you could look him up in CT. Can't recall his first name but his number is 1-877-289-2014.
Yes i had Bel canto int,and also red Dragon mono blocks,yes they have good bass,but its not any better then decent solid state ,the highs were messed up and after lots of listening they just didnt work in my system,maybe it was because of my Legacy speakers,i dont know at first they wowed me,months later it was obvious to me that something wrong was going on here,did i hear it at first no,later on yes,it was actually a quite uncomfortable experience.