"Breathing" of the air

Hi folks, I would like to ask you the following. With some audiophile set ups I'm able to hear what I call "breathing" of the air, as if the air surrounding voices and instruments is a living entity, as if one is capable of hearing individual air molecules, if you know what I mean. Are you familiar with this phenomenon? Is this quality inherent to some amplifiers or speakers? Can you mention set ups that have these characteristics?

the musicians of a symphony orchestra are positioned very close to each other. there is very little space between them.

perhaps there is an implied disagreement regarding semantics.

in any case, i think it is more important to minimize timbral errors and then the other audiophile concerns may follow.

does anyone have a recipe for achieving timbral realism ?
"Liquid" applies to midrange, as "air" applies to treble(general semantics anyway).
Mrtennis, agreed, timbral errors have to be dealt with first. But to do that properly, you must first know what a real instrument, a full orchestra etc. sounds like.
Detlof, you're asking far too much from him.

Just accept his "hot air" and everything will be liquid.

Speaking of turkey, Happy Thanksgiving Mrt.