Vintage integrated Amps. What to look for?

I am sure there are a few that have done what I am thinking of doing and would like to get some opinions on doing so.

I have for years always had separates, and good ones at that. Now while I have always been happy with what I had I have always had the urge to try some vintage gear.
I thinking of selling my separate preamp and amp and getting an old Fisher, Marantz or Sansui integrated amp. I have read allot of good things on the Sansui 20000.

Who has done this and were you happy with the change?? What were or are your likes and dislikes also what vintage integrated amp's did you look at? consider buying or did buy. I would like to have a phono stage on it.

Sansui Au series ..Built like a tank and sound great.......
I am using the ( 2nd system ) AU 517 Int. Nice phono also...
I would add the Sony pieces, vintage 1966 to 1976. These pieces have superb sound, build quality and phono stages, and were built to compete with the likes of McIntosh and Marantz. The receivers have superb tuner sections. Look especially for the 1120 integrated. Matched capacitors!
Hey,I have traveled down this path, I've had the Sansui's and Pioneers, With the Sansui's I thought the AU 717 and AU 719 were great.
Old Yamaha 000 series is very good.(like ca-600,ca800,ca1000,the later ones are not as good,Ive had them.
Oh, another goodie, really old NAD. I have a NAD 7080 reciever that is hard to believe good.( there is a review of it on Audiogon,and he nails it.
Early pioneer is better than the later stuff,early seventies, no ic chips,more discreet= better sound.

The Holy grail of vintage gear (solid state) that will kill most new gear is,and most likey drop your jaw.

Drum roll please..............

Accuphase. I own the old and new of Accuphase.

Best wishes on your hunt.
I have always liked the Kenwood KA-6100,7100,8100 & 9100 models,
The design of the cosmetics is really nice with the giant volume control.
I am using the lower powered KA 3500 in my office- price was right - free on CL !