mono versus stereo ampflication

If one has for example 8K to spend on ss amplification for a two channel system, would one in general be better off using a stereo amplifier of perhaps dual mono design or using a set of monoblocks. If the answer is "it depends" what then are the likely trade-offs of each option and on what does it depend?
Do you have any recommendations of specific products for either option for 92db, 8 to 4 ohm speakers?
Thanks for the input. I did find some discussion of this issue on threads that are three years old but nothing recent.
Yes, I think "it depends." Key questions would be how much power do you need, and how much power can the speakers handle? Questions that would relate to how much power you need would be the size of the room, the distance to your listening position, and what kind of music you listen to. For instance, audiophile caliber recordings of symphonic music with loud crescendos or heavy bass drum whacks would require much more power than jazz or chamber music.

Also, do you have the physical room for two large monoblocks?

My instinct, given your price range, would be to go with monoblocks if you have the room for them, but specific recommendations would be dependent on your power requirements.

-- Al
Mono blocks will always be a better choice. They normally have better bits and pieces inside of them as compared to their stereo counterpart, but also have better channel speration and will have better dynamics. You can never have too much power, so buy what you can afford once.
>>They normally have better bits and pieces inside of them as compared to their stereo counterpart,<<

That folks, is simply BS.
I have a large room (22X38, eight foot walls to 10 foot peaked ceiling) I listen mostly to classical and 60's rock at volumes of what a normal symphony attains. I listen near field at about 10 feet from speakers but also like to load the room.