Jeff Rowland preamps

I currently have the following; Synergy IIi, Rowland 501, 2 x PFC and read with interest here that the new Capri has received positive feedback. Has anyone here compared this with the Synergy IIi which has now been discontinued in terms of sonic performance. With new technology introduced I assume the Jeff Rowland has taken the performance for his preamp upwards. I'll have to ignore the flagship Criterion as this is wayyyy out of my budget.
Dstpep. LOL. It is rather self explanatory. Once you calibrate your system (in this case balance as a subject) one will experience a difficulty bringing back the same channels volume values. Use your imagination to create such scenarios. I like the digital temperature display in my car. Also, my inadvertent changes are probably related to the simple fact of alcoholic beverage consumption while listening to music and non music radio broadcasts. I will not go into this, but balance is very handy with some broadcasts. Perhaps it has also to do with dim lights in my environment and need for corrective glasses. Effectively I greatly enjoy the JRDG quality, but I am also often critical of ergonomics.

Clio, yes, the range is somewhat of a mystery.

Good listening!
The lack of polarity switch on the remote has also a historical origin. The remote was designed in the late 80s or early 90s. While the Capri has what some of us find to be one of the best sonic/musical attributes in the domain, it is worth point out that it was designed and it is priced as an entry level device. . . the signal path is state of the art, the mechanical package is outstanding, but some of the I/O flexibility and control function are limited, created with available legacy parts, or otherwise cost engineered to meet a price point. G.
"Yet to me, it makes Music the way I like it. Guido"

well said, guido.
and thanks for your answer to my question.

it is hard to come by used JRDGs here in Manila because owners just REFUSE to part with them (like us Krell owners refusing to let go of ours).

i asked our local JRDG dealer to look around for me.
i am tempted to try Audiogon but i am a bit concerned about some stories i heard about getting bad products (DOAs); and then there's the shipping & handling costs PLUS taxes that i have to contend with :-|

you guys are fortunate because this fine product are practically just by your doorsteps :-)
