Anyone using the Transistor Research LabsM 225's

On the grapevine I have heard that these amps are good enough to be the end of the line. Given their reasonable cost - that would be great news. Any comments?

Sorry, my fault. It wasn't Audio Circle, but rather - head-fi. As always, there are two sides to every story and who knows what the truth really is. I simply found this thread when I began researching TRL due to the raves here on the 'Gon about the M225.
Fiddler - wow - that is an interesting thread, in a car accident kind of way. Thank you for sharing - it is good to hear all sides.
Grannyring - my own respect for you, and the high opinions of you many others I communicate with here have expressed to me will keep me interested in the Samson's. They are my next up to consider when the finances are right and they show up used. I just received some used Nuforce Reference 9 V2 SE's that were more in my current price range. On initial listening the SE's seem way cool with correct power cords and vibration control and I think will give me the pleasure of going through my whole music collection with a renewed grin on my face.
There are others combining the Audio Horizons TP2.1 preamp with the NuForce
Ref9 SE V2 with excellent results. Stltrains is one member I recall. Perhaps you
communicated with himm? Have fun.
Tvad - yes I have communicated with them. They are a great bunch. They are helping with tweaks etc.
Corrections. The M225 and Samson are not identical, the latter using a new power supply.

If these are Class D amps they eclipse every D amp I've heard. I'm intimately familiar with the Class D fingerprint and this isn't it, tempting to say by far. Paul told me the first ~10 watts are class A. This is consistent with very low level performance. Milliwatts sound identical to power levels at much greater SPLs. No contraction of soundstage depth or width, etc.

Maybe it leaps over to Class D at > 10 watts??

Bass control, weight .... everything bass is stunning.

I will submit a review after 500 hours, but I could go on and on. I've yet to find a flaw. They are highly SC sensitive.

Try Ken Bonfield's American Baroque: Steel String Surprise through these devices. My most intense musical experience to date.