Small integrated

I have a difficult situation. I have bought a new 50" plasma for the family room and my wife picked out the furniture stand. It won't accommodate my amps or receivers. Although the shelf-behind-door is 17", the opening is only 14". But, she likes the furniture, so it stays. I am looking for an integrated that is as small as possible, less than 15" wide and less than 12" deep, solid-state since it is enclosed, and at least two inputs. Built-in DAC or USB input would be a bonus but not essential. The source is an Oppo 980 (or the new Oppo BR when it is available) and DirecTV. Speakers are Gallo A'Diva Ti + REL sub. I will stay with 2 channel for now. One that came to mind is Nuforce Icon, but I am hoping there are others. Thanks for any and all help!
Aren't all Bel Canto components made on a less-than-rackwidth format?
They sound good, too. And won't break the bank.
PS Audio Trio C-100 is a decent little amp that will work well in your situation. The Bel Canto 300 series is another option.
Tvad-great idea. I have never heard of them and will investigate.

Johnnyb-I have read about them but haven't heard much about them. Do you own any of them?

Celtic66- I have looked at the Decco but I think it is too deep at 14". That was my first choice due to the built in DAC and multiple inputs. I may mock up the dimensions to see if it will fit with connections in back.

I appreciate everyone's ideas so far and welcome any others. Thanks!