Watt Puppy 7 needs new or used Amp and Pre-amp

I'm building my system on a pair of Watt Puppy 7 speakers. Currently I have my vintage Marantz 250 amp with an SAE Mark 1B Pre-amp/equalizer.
I think the preamp needs to be replaced first. I need some advice on putting together a system on a tight budget. Thanks for helpful advice!
Mcintosh pre amps, arround 3000 (C46 or C2200) are also good choices to W/p 7. I run my w/p 7 frist from MA2275, then bought a C200/MC 501 combination. The combintion is just great!!
I second the notion of tubes for the WP7. I auditioned the full line of Wilson speakers extensively before I ultimately bought Maxx 2's. The WP7 was very detailed, but definitely bright in comparison to the current Sofia and Maxx 2.
Yea, why did you ask (Atmashere). Anyone who has read much in this forum knows that he is a manufacture, and unless asked a direct question about the Atmasphere product, I have never read one response to a question regarding tube amplification that he or any of his associates has suggested that the questionnaire use/try/audition Atmasphere product. They have always tried to educate not sell. I guess I should have prefaced my statement fist by saying my system is an all SET based system, (no Atmasphere pieces in the mix) because I might be questioned of my intent. And if that was not the intent of your question than I apologize. We need first hand education at times, not just opinions that as we all know we all have like we all have _____ .........Bob