best preamp under 4000 to match 4b sst

Ok, i have just bought a Bryston 4b sst after getting a good deal at my dealer. I had started a thread earlier this week and i was told to get my amp first. So thats what i did. So now im looking for a great preamp to match up My 4b sst. I was suggest a simaudio p5.3. Any other suggestions?
I totally agree with your last statement Mrjstark. And the dodd audio pre at 1795 i sent him 3 emails and finaly got back to me to tell me it was sold. I told him that he should mark it sold if it is and still looks like its sitting there. I also contacted dodd audio dealer and i can get a band new one from him for 2490 tax included. But i still have to figure the exchange which will be way over 3000 plus damn customs and shipping. So by the time its all done and said i may be looking at close to 3500 easily. That is why im leaning towards the isabella at the moment. I phoned the dealer we have hear in canada which is in toronto and he is about 4 hrs away from here so for me to try it out at home before is goin to be a little hard for me. The dealer was very knowledgeable and quite helpful. Now its up to me to make my final decision. I may take a drive up to Toronto or just wait to the CES show in Montreal this comming April.
Cheers guys, and thanks for all the imputs, very well appreciated. Im only 35 here and stil have lots to learn.

We're picking nits here, Mrjstark.

The $1795 preamp was purchased by the original owner when the retail price
was $3300 according to the listing. It therefore sold for somewhere around
50%-54% of the original retail price at the time the owner purchased it.

Now that the retail price has been dropped to $2699 (yet UnderwoodWally
still lists the retail price at $3300 on an ad placed just five days ago), used
prices may drop further to align more closely to the 50%-54% figure. There
are few buyers who would be willing to pay 66% of retail for a used
component ($1795/$2699 = 66%), unless they were unaware the retail price
had been substantially lowered. It's unlikely any owner of a Dodd preamp who
purchased it when it retailed for $3300 is going to list the current retail price
of $2699 in their listing. They're going to list the $3300 price and hope to
maximize their resale.

The market will tell us over the next couple of months as additional used
Dodd preamps are listed for sale. It's the same with any component.

(ALNBM)? Please explain this acronym.

Eric, don't buy anything new until you've had a chance to hear it in your
system. Hearing it a dealer or at an audio show where the system is different
from yours and the room is not optimal will provide only a glimpse of how it
will sound in your system with your electronics and in your room. If you buy
new, and if you decide it was a mistake, then you'll pay a penalty upon resale.
So, be patient and continue to seek an audition. Perhaps there's a local
audiophile who owns one of the preamps you are interested in who would
offer to bring it to your home so you could hear it in your system. Sometimes,
you have to be creative.

BTW, UnderwoodWally lists his selling price here at $2290 for a new Dodd
Audio preamp.

Eric, I have a couple suggestions:

1) Contact Gary Dodd directly and ask if you can purchase a preamp with a
14, 21 or 30 day home trial. If it helps to secure an agreement, offer to pay a
restocking fee. If Gary agrees, then expect to pay his current retail price. I
imagine in the present economy and slow business climate, he might be
open to this arrangement.

2) Ask Gary what his specific policy is regarding service and support on used

The same questions apply to Vinnie Rossi at Red Wine Audio.
If I can be of any help arranging "in home free trial", please let me know. PM

Tvad, sorry for ALNBM puzzle - at least not by myself
I haven't talked to G.Dodd in ages. There for, I can't comment on his present policies or offers. Keep in mind that Dodd is basicly run by one man. To be quite honest, I don't think he can afford free 30 days in home trial.
But like you said, it doesn't hurt to call Dodd Audio and find out.

I'm from N.Y.C.
Send me private message if you need assistance or more info.
