Best cables for Jadis DA88 Signature amplifier

after having Audio Research gear for over 8 years I jumped into Jadis bandwagon.

It is a little of experiment because I just sold two box ARC amplifier (LS25MKII preamp and VT100MKII power amp and switched to integrated Jadis (DA88S).

It may seems curious and look as step back, but I was a little tired of ARC sound. However ARC has its own strengthens as very well controlled bass and great soundstage it is also little less musical and involving compared to Jadis.

DA88S is a little slover and fat in bass, but it is also much more musical to my taste.

I have question what speaker cables will be the best ith this particular amp. I have Thiel speakers and MIT Oracle V4 speaker calbes.

Both Jadis and MIT are a little rolled off treble so it is not a good match in my taste.

I checked also Kimber selects 3035 (hybrid calbes).
I found top is more sparkling with Kimbers, but lacked a tight bass control of the Mit Oracle.

On my short list are:
Kubala-Sosna Emotion
Kimber Select all silver 3036
Purist Audio Design (Venustas maybe?)
Siltech the cheapest from Signature series
MIT Oracle V3.2
Jadis JD-1

Any suggestions will be warm welcome
Siltech and Stealth are the best matches I've heard with my buddy's Jadis DA88S
Stealth Indras are some of the most neutral ICs I know, but I'd stick with RCprince's advice. He is very familiar with the Jadis gear and -I've "known" him for a long time- has a very discerning ear, I find.
By the way, Milimetr, you're following the same path I did as well in coming to Jadis--I had an ARC SP-11 MkII and Classic 150 monoblocks for many years that I traded in for Jadis. It is a different direction, and each brand has its strengths, but it's clear from your post you made the same value judgments I did when I made the switch.
Hello -
I am using the Synergistic Tesla Accelerators with a Jadis Orchestra Reference and a pair of Dali Helicon 800s. The only thing that I can say is that I am having a problem trying to pry myself away from my new system. I am new to tube systems and own a lot of McIntosh equipment, but with the components I am listening to.... I have to step up and highly recommend the Tesla Accelerators. I have not heard anything better. It will take a few days for the Teslas to settle into your system, but it will seem that they just keep sounding better and better every day.
Enjoy your search !
I own Siltech for my Jadis DA50S and tried them as well with a pair of JA50s - great match IMHO.