Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz

Hello everyone, I need to get a new Pre and trying to decide between the Marantz AV8801 or the Yamaha CX-A5000. The Marantz is about a $1k more, is it worth it? Speakers are SF Liutos, Mac MC205 for power, thanks in advance.
F1a said:
Please tell us Bo how to perform the Pro measurements ourselves.
Bo said:

Case closed. Bo ain't gonna give it up.

Audyssey do it yourself measurement......just use your brains!!
Thanks for smoking Bo out with your question F1a. I think we all got the answer we were expecting from him. More meaningless drivel.

Besides, how could Bo possibly explain something that cannot exist outside the mad lands of Bo's mind?
Everything in audio is about results. Creating a better sound than others. Quality sells and rules!!!!
Ahhh....the mysterious secret "measurements" scam. GImme a break.That's trick older than my Grandpa's buckskin...well you get the point.Snake oil is snake oil.