A weird thing happened to my Red Wine Audio 30.2..

I love my RWA signature 30.2 amp and in my system it works perfectly. In fact I like it so much that I thought I would take it to my local high-end store and show it off, since I was sure it would impress. However, when I hooked it up in the store it just did not bring the sound I am used to hearing from it. My friends who run the store justifiably shrugged it off and proceeded to swap three different, comparably priced amps, in to the same system, and one after another they wiped the floor with my pride and joy Red Wine Audio signature 30.2. The fundamental difference was in the much greater dynamics of these other amps to my 30.2. Is it possible that in moving it around or placing it in my very cold car for the drive over something might have happened to it? I'm basically wondering if others have had inconsistent results with their red wine amps. I am so confused and feel quite embarassed for having talked it up so much. My confidence in my amp is quite shaken.
I agree completely that as a rule this type of move about will unsettle a listener. However, in this particular instance it was clear to myself and the others who had never heard the Red Wine unit before that it was providing an underwhelming sound. The music sounded completely flat with no dimensionality or soundstage and thus no dynamism. Unlike the rest of those who were present, I was familiar with what this amp can do in a more favorable setting and how great it can be. Unfortunately, everyone else who was there will never take it seriously again. Oh well, too bad for them.
The music sounded completely flat with no dimensionality or soundstage and thus no dynamism.

I feel compelled to point out that dimensionality and soundstaging have nothing to do with dynamics.

FYI, cold batteries are able to provide much less current than warm ones. Sounds like that could have been a factor.
That is interesting Paul. They certainly were cold at the beginning. It's hard to say how long they stayed that way.