Threshold S300 Power Amp


Who might be using this amplifier in their 2 channel audio system? What do you like about this amp? And please share speaker cables and interconnects that work well with this amp. I have recently purchased this amp used and would also like to learn anything else I might need to know to take great care of this unit. Finally, where would I get a manual? Thank you so much for your responses.
I own a S/300, partnered wit an Audio Research LS-2 pre and Apogee loudspeakers. The Apogees are demanding and revealing - and the Threshold drives them very well. I like all kinds of music, from death metal to classical. The Threshold is a musical omnivore as well.
I'd love to hear them with your Maggies, IMHO the Threshold is well suited to drive planar loudspeakers. So you have the start of a very good setup, which will give you many hours of pleasure.
I want to thank each of you and I value your great input. I am elated you would take the time to respond so quickly. Also I will investigate Audio Research and a few other pre-amps to see what works. Thank you all.
Let us know how the new amp is doing. I too am getting a s/200 and I'm curious.

Good afternoon everyone. The Threshold S/300 is holding up very well. I have not had a moments trouble. Also, there are no turn on or turn off thumps or other problems. So far, I am very happe with this powerful amp. Thanks all, I will be back with further details.
