Any experience with Audio Experience A2 preamp ?

I am interested to know about your edperience with Audio Experience (YS Audio, a hong Kong based company) A2 tube preamp. Where does it stand in comparison with Asthetix Calypso, Emotive Audio Syra, CAT SL1 mk-III, Audio Research Ref 3, or Ayre K1xe (though it is a solid state unit) ? I know these preamps have wide range of prices. Any other comparison will be also helpful.
it is junk I bought one Audio Experience (YS Audio 2 years ago never again ,it states many good brands inside the only problem is that there are only a few good parts the rest is generic for under $500 maybe that would be max !

I think, you are falsehood.
I have NOT any your bought record.
Also , the BALANCED A2 preamp start produced at December 2007 , How you bougth it 2 years age ?
The BALANCED A2 preamplifer use following good components:

Resistors: Vishay DATE , RMA , Mills
coupling capacitors: WIMA ( Special order )
connections: RCA , XLR gold plated connections.

The BALANCED A2-SE (Special Edition) preamplifier use following good components:

Resistors: Vishay DATE , RMA , Mills
coupling capacitors: SONICAP
connections: Cardas CTFA RCA connections , Neutrik XLR connections
I received yesterday my A2 SE, and wanted to post some initial impressions.

I have not popped it open yet, since I want to break it in with the stock tubes. I am planning to roll some quality NOS after that. When I do, I will post some pictures of the good components that I know it has.

A couple of very preliminary thoughts:
-Built like a tank; whoever thinks that Asian gear is crap, they need to see (and lift) this one.
-Instructions manual can be improved, specifically add remote instructions; some things are not intituive and required a couple of clarifying emails with Nelson.

Sound? I've had other tubed preamps (Audio Research, Cary), and the immediate SHOCK was the expanded soundstage and 3D presentation. This is after one hour initial warm up, and stock tubes, so I am very excited and looking forward to see what this thing is capable of after a couple hundred hours (I've put some Sonicap capacitors in speaker xovers and I know they will get better and better even after 200 hours).

I'll come back here with additional findings when it breaks in. but so far, I am very happy with this purchase.
I have had many tube and solid state preamp, the most expensive tube being the McIntosh 2200. Had the top of the line PS Audio DACIII, Bel Canto e.oneDACIII, Parasound Halo JC2, and others. The Audio Experience A2 I have had for the longest time, about 8 months and it is a keeper for me. Soundstage, presence, depth of image, IMHO is superb. Of course everyone's ear's and tastes are different. I run a Spectron Signature MKII digital amp through it.