Which preamp for Symphonic Line Kraft amps?

Hi All;

I'm in the process of receiving a pair of Symphonic Line Kraft amps to power a pair of Dali Megalines (using a tube crossover). I'm currently using a Dodd battery powered preamp and am thinking about upgrading to either a Symphonic Line solid state amp (RG3 mk4) or the new CAT Renaissance (replaces the SL1 Ultimate mk 2?).

I'm guessing the best way to find out would be to use my ears if I can audition both units in my system, but these aren't items I can drive down the street to pick up...

Any thoughts would be appreciated though, especially regarding the SL preamps...
Hi guys allot of good info. in this thread,

I have never heard Kraft product, when I look at pics on the site and the little bit of info. regarding the product I'm a bit confused with; the finish and actual product line it's self.

First off the finish, I see on the site a pic of a pretty industrial pro looking finish, then I see some pics of a darker chrome shiny look (which I like) and then a mat aluminum look as per the 300 for sale right now, what is the actual finish.

Secondly, are all the amps a class "A" design ....

Do the amps run warm, hot .....

The pre-amps offered are tube and solid state .....

Looking at my past set-ups I seem to favour a tube pre and solid state amps.

Jdineshk I read you actually use to have a REF3 which I currently own, what's the rest of your set-up.

This set-up is for CD playback only.

Connections are they XLR or RCA and the preference is .....

Right now I have all XLR, Stealth latest version Indra's and very happy.

My speakers are MBL 101E's, what would you recommend, I need mono's due to my set-up configuration and the space is fairly large. I had bought a pair of CAT JL3 Sig. MK2's but do to reliability issues etc. which I was not privy to prior declined to have to deal with this and sold them, while talking with Ken he mentioned the only other amp he would recomend if not CAT would be Kraft product.

Right now I'm learning more about Karan product and specifically the 1200's and look foward to hearing in my set-up in the near future.

There is a guy from Philly that has auditioned a Karan amp
(and preamp I think) in his system. He uses Ascendo speakers (M?) and a CAT JL2. He was very unimpressed with the Karan gear. His agon moniker is ubbyglubby (Bob). Let us know what you think of the Karan gear when you hear it.


My system is for CD playback only. I use a Marantz SA-11S2 player. Although the Kraft has a balanced input it is just connected single-ended inside. Hope that makes sense? So, when using the ARC Ref 3, you don't get the benefit of the 12 db of gain in balanced mode. Instead, you get 6db of gain, along with an output impedance that is too high to drive the Kraft amp.

The net of this is the sound lacks weight and hiss was intrusive at low level listening. At least that was my experience.

The ARC Ref 3 is a phenomenal product, but was not a optimal match with the Kraft amp for my ears. I reluctantly sold it.

I have no experience with Karan and cannot comment.

Good luck,


The black finish is call "Aranya", which could be best described as a black chrome finish. The last I heard, SL does not offer this anymore for the Kraft amps due to the cost and difficulty in getting a consistent finish.

The amps are class "A", but probably a sliding bias system.

Driving my B&W 802D it never gets hot, just warm no matter how loud I play it. But, the temperature of the heatsinks would rise considerably if you were driving a tough load like a Apogee.

Hi Jonathan,
How's it going?
I just wanted to find out if you had received your Symphonic Line Kraft 300 amps? I believe that you intended to buy 2 so that you could biamp your Megalines.
Please let us know if you received your amps & what you think of them sonically vs. the previous amps (you never mentioned which amps you were switching from)? Thanks/