Starting an Analog front end - Rowland?

Guido (resident Rowland expert) and other Audiogoners –

My current system consists of Wadia 270/27ix, Jeff Rowland 302, Avalon Eidolon’s, and Cardas Golden Reference. I have the Wadia direct into the 302.

I have started to get the itch to add a vinyl set up to my system and would need to add a preamp and phono-pre to the system. I am planning to get a VPI Aries III with a Dynavector cartridge but need help with the preamp and amp set up. I like the midrange and holography of tubes with nice tight solid state bass. My current system does that fairly well, especially with the 302.

My plan was to get a Rowland preamp and phono-pre. I really wanted both the preamp and phono -pre to be in a separate chassis. Since Rowland doesn’t currently make a phono-pre, I think I will try to track down a Cadence on Audiogon. The preamp I am most concerned about because I will likely run both my digital and my analog through it. Right now Rowland has only the Capri and the Criterion and the price is difference is vast between the two. I know that many have raved over the Capri, but I just can’t help but have the feeling that Rowland will release a preamp in the ‘Synergy Iii or Concerto range’ to fit a price point in between the Capri and Criterion.

I realize I may be a bit foolish being concerned over the Capri ‘not being enough preamp due to its price point’, but based on my system as described above, should I go for a used Concerto or Synergy Iii, a Capri, or wait for Rowland to release something new. Also, any news on a new phono-pre in the pipeline at JRDG?

Thanks in advance for any input and advice.

Far from declaring that Capri is 'better' than any pre out there, I do confess of having developed a personal preference for Capri over my own Ref 3 for reasons I have discussed elsewhere already to some nauseating detail. Not having had personal experience with vintage JRDG pres, I can only suggest that concerned audiophiles try things out by letting their ears do the walking, and post their actual a/b findings, rather than drawing conclusions a priori one way or another, based on component count, box weight, and list price.

Having said the above, I am not sure if there is a 'bad' way to insert a JRDG pre/phono combination into a system. It all depends on one's budget, priorities, and preferences. Let's consider a couple of options:

1. Capri + internal phono cards. This is obviously the most cost effective starter solution, as the phono stage cards retail for only $350 for the pair. The entire package new will cost no more than $3100 in black. This is also a good way to baseline the value of the insertion of the pre/phono in the system. Later adoption of an external phono stage, be it JRDG or other brand will entail a probable loss of $150 for the sale of the little phono cards on the used market at about $200.

2. Criterion is purely a linestage without internal phono board option. I have only some very preliminary indications that Criterion may sound more fleshed out than Capri. . .I had a very quick a/b that lasted no more than 10 mins. . . Capri was fresh out of the box and Criterion had no more than 100 hrs on it. Unfortunately there is no current JRDG phono stage, so a phono stage would need to be selected from a vintage JRDG or from a third party at the onset. Criterion will cost about $18K + cost of any phono stage.

3. A purely vintage JRDG solution is likely to cost somewhere between option 1 and 2. You may be experiencing a warmer sound than the current JRDG product lineup. . . but this is based mostly on common lore and 3rd party reports. . . the only personal corroboration I have is from my own transition from JRDG 7M mono amps to 312 stereo.

Hope this helps. Guido
Thanks Guido and all for the responses. I really appreciate it. I, like several others I'm sure, are looking for tube like quality from effort-free solid state gear.

I think going Rowland is probably the way to go for me. Unfortunately, like most of us, its difficult to A/B gear for comparison. That is why I appreciate this forum so much and its helpful community.

Unfortunately, the Criterion is out of my price league, but would love to have one! Looks like a Synergy IIi, if I can find a mint one with one owner and a Cadence phone might be the way to go. Also a Capri or Concerto with a Cadence phone and optional power supply.

Thanks again and any further input or opinions are very welcome!

Hi Phil, according to Jeff Rowland, his older pres are a little warmer sounding. By contrast the Capri is a little more extended and linear throughout the frequency range than the older models. Feel free to send me a PM. Guido
Guido: I had a well broken in Capri in my system for a week, driving either my darTZeel or my VAC Renaissance 70/70 Mk. III. In no performance parameter did it equal or best my Coherence II. As for why my post did not mention this, I was trying to convey my findings in a slightly more genteel way, by pointing out that a preamp priced at $14,500 ten years ago would best something from today priced at $3k.

Speaking of component comparisons, I enjoyed your review in the Absolute Sound of the Vienna Acoustics Mahlers, a speaker I owned for six years, but thought it curious that there wasn't a word in the review to indicate you were reviewing a new version of the speaker ("V1.5"), and likewise not a word comparing the new version, which costs nearly $3k more than the old, to the old version. The mystery is compounded by the fact that V.A.'s site does not mention the new version at all, while the site of the U.S. distributor, Sumiko, shows only the new version, but uses the ad copy for the old - again, not a word about what the buyer is getting for the additional $3k. As you note, comparisons are helpful.
Thank you Raquel, The Vienna Mahlers V1.5 employ a new ferro-silicon enclosure for the tweeter and have some modifications to the crossover to adapt for the slightly different tweeter behavior. According to Sumiko, the new tweeter arrangement may yield enhanced treble performance. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity of performing a side by side comparison of the original and new version. If you have questions specific to Mahler pricing, you may want to address them directly to Sumiko.

On Capri vs Coherence. . . no need to be gentile about it. . . report of direct experiences like yours serve our common body of knowledge much more than 'ancient lore'. rather, it would be great if you could expand on the sonic differences you found between the 2 devices. At some time in the future, I'd love to do a comparison myself. . . in fact, now that I think of it, a Criterion vs Coherence II analysis could prove to be even more fun.

Saluti, Guido